Archives for May 2018

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Tepid Christianity

Sunday Vlog

The church today should be passionate, not falling into complacency. We are in danger of being labeled a lukewarm people. Let’s be Hot or Cold, let’s live in the extreme’s. You have the ability to change your temp, no one likes a lukewarm glass of water....

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What about Church Membership Part 3

church membership3

In this post, I would like to explore some of the benefits of being a member of a local church in a broad perspective....

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Fear God

Sunday Vlog

What would our lives look like if we feared God? How would fearing God impact us? If we were to fear God, we’d love what He loves and hate what He hates. The fear of the Lord compels us to act....

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What about Church Membership? Part 2

worship 3

After last week’s post, I received some interesting comments, so I would like to explore this idea of church membership further....

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What about Eternal Life?

heart sun

In last week’s post, we talked about how true meaning and purpose for life can ultimately only be found in being in right relationship with God. Therefore, what are some of the benefits to be found in being in this position?...

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What about Church Membership?

church steeple

We have recently had a sermon series in our church about the church. Its purpose and how we are to be in relationship together as members of the body of Christ. This is a bigger deal than most of us realize.Exploring aspects of church membership...

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Jesus Loves His Bride

Sunday Vlog

The thought of someone loving you but hating your spouse is truly upsetting, to the point we wouldn't want that type of friendship. How many speak ill of Jesus bride the Church. May we be a people in love with the Church, the bride of Christ!...

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