Archives for April 2020

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River Youth Vlog April 30

He is the vine

Jesus is the true vine; He is our source. The last I am statement Jesus made in the Gospel of John before He went to the cross. He is the vine and we are the branches....

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River Youth Vlog April 23

one way

7 I am statements of Jesus, I am the way, the truth, and the life....

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Evidence for Resurrection Part 2

wooden cross

Last week we looked at some of the evidence to the truth of the resurrection. Today I would like to look a skeptical counter argument that attempts of subvert the historical record....

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River Youth Vlog April 16


In our current series on the 7 I am statements of Jesus, found in the gospel of John. We check out Jesus as the resurrection and the life....

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River Youth Vlog April 9th


Hey guys, here is this weeks vlog; we will be talking about the next I am statement of Jesus. "I am the Good Shepherd". Jesus is our shepherd and He is willing to lay down His life for His flock. Happy Easter...

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Evidence for the resurrection

cross heart

As we are the edge of coming to Easter. I would like to lay out for you the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus to be true. Despite many skeptical objections, for over 2,000 year’s generation after generation of people have had a firm belief in the accuracy of the biblical accounts of Jesus raising from the dead....

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Your best life is to Trust God

adult baby hands

For this week’s post, I would like to reprint a recent devotion from Galen Troyer. He is an elder here at the River Center Church. I feel that this is so germane to we are at, and Galen does a great job of encouraging us, so here it is....

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River Youth Vlog April 2nd 2020


We have been learning about the 7 I am statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Tune in as we explore the 3rd of these statements. Jesus is the Door...

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