Archives for March 2022

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What about the New Age Movement?

cracked statue

Many are familiar with the New Age movement. The hallmark of their thinking is to search out the god that is within you. It’s there, you just have to find it. Explore the power that is at your disposal, tap into your own god consciousness....

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Made in the Image of God

man sky

The debate goes like this. Is man made in the image of God? Or is God a manmade image after his likeness, made in order to console himself? The Christian will hold the first opinion, the Atheist will conform to the latter. There is a very distinct difference of perspective based on worldview....

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What if the New Testament was Taken Away from Us?

bible 4

Recently I watched a very interesting video featuring Dr. James Tour and J. Warner Wallace. These two men are among my favorite Christian Apologists. The topic of focus is based on the idea that there is so much historical evidence for Christianity integrated in differing societies through out the world, that even if we did not have access to the New Testament, we would st...

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Why God Won’t Go Away

no way

Much of the information found in todays post is from the same title in a book authored by Alister McGrath. Kudos to him for such an excellent work....

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