Archives for April 2022

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Challenging the Status Quo

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Recently I have been reading the book, The Gospel in a Pluralist Society By Lesslie Newbigin. The book is the second installment in a two-book series; the first book is titled Foolishness to the Greeks. The works were written in the late 1980’s I am amazed at how poignant his work is today. For today’s post, I would like to lay out some of the groundwork displayed in t...

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Can Faith and Reason Live Together?

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One of the important questions for people to ask is about faith and reason. Are they opposites? Does a person need to sacrifice one in order to believe the other? Is it possible to be a thinker and a Bible-believing Christian at the same time? There are some people who do not think this is possible....

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Could the Universe Create Itself?


What about Creation by chance? Today I would like to look at some of the history behind the naturalist viewpoint that the Universe and everything in it is the product of chance....

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