Archives for March 2020

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Awake to the Gospel

awake in bed

My hope and prayer for all people during this unusual time of social distancing and pandemic hubbub is that we are awake to the Gospel of the good news about Jesus....

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Ok now that almost everyone on the planet has chimed in on the Corona virus. I will join into the fray today to share my thoughts on the matter from a biblical perspective. It seems that there is a wide array of fears, challenges and denial to the seriousness of the pandemic facing us. This is certainly not business as usual for our people....

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Warrens Vlog

Vlog 18 20

The question is not whether or not we will face challenging times, but rather what do we they come? Let Pastor Warren encourage you to put communicating through prayer as a priority every day. ...

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Competing Worldviews

Designed by God

Over the past few weeks, we have been discussing the idea of the skeptic beginning to look at his or her own viewpoint with open eyes. To realize that their perspective might not be as bullet proof as they had believed it to be. Today I would like to look into the idea that differing worldviews are at odds with one another, and that the most coherent view of all will lead ...

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Doubting your Doubts Part 2


Today I would like to explore this topic further with you. In the last post, most of the information was taken from Tim Keller’s book titled Reason for God, Belief in an age of Skepticism. I will continue quoting him heavily in this session as well....

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