Archives for May 2019

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It’s Redacted Part 2

book apple

Last week we talked about how there is a similarity between the redactions of political documents and the culture withholding or (redacting) information about the character and nature of God. Both are withholding information in order to elevate one side of the issue over the other. That is the common thread....

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The First Order

track and field

So what does the first order mean? For many of us, the idea that comes to mind is that the first order is the evil empire from the Star Wars movies. While that is entertaining, it is not where I would like to go today. The first order that I am describing is looking at the idea of big questions. A first order question is one that establishes a firm foundation of thought pr...

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It’s Redacted


The word “redacted” is now a common buzzword in the midst of the political upheaval in our current culture. The animus about seeing a redacted version of documents has fueled discontent on both sides of the political aisle....

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Substance & Poise vs. Stunts & Noise

Sunday Vlog

Are we in pursuit of substance or entertainment. Has this influenced us as a Church?...

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What about Morality?

do not enter

We have spent a considerable amount of time in this blog talking about evidence that points to God as the most likely and best explanation for all of the vast complexity of design found in our universe. Today I would like to focus on another aspect that needs to have God present in order to make sense out of life. The topic is morality....

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