The River Center is part of Christ Central, a Newfrontiers group of churches serving nations all around the Globe. One of the privileges of working together is sharing resources.  "Into the Word" is one of those resources.  We are blessed to have Martin Charlesworth from the U.K. ministering to us in this video series.  

We are delighted to offer this series in a community group format. It's when we come together in small groups that we build friendships while growing in the Word. 


Equipping the local church, to enable all Christians to use all the Bible in all of life. 

Leader: Bob Elliott

When: The 1st Saturday of the month

Where: River Center 

Time: 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Starting: October


The format is video teaching, group discussion and facilitator Q&A.

We believe that every Christian would benefit from this study, "Into the Word".

"It is our desire to help as many Christians as possible to deepen their spiritual life and strengthen their discipleship by helping them to grow in confidence to read, study and use the whole of the Bible in their lives. This course has been designed specifically for that purpose." Martin Charlesworth

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