Archives for February 2020

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Doubting your doubts

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This post is for the skeptical person that does not believe in Christianity. It will also be helpful to give Christians some insight on what some form of skepticism look like. The majority of this post will be taken from the book titled “Reason for God, belief in an age of Skepticism by Tim Keller....

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It’s Not Enough Part 3

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The next question in this series to address is what God expects from us in response to what He has revealed. In other words, what does it take in order for us to be in right standing with God. Particularly, what does the Bible say about this subject?...

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It’s Not Enough Part 2

Designed by God

Today I would like to focus on the question, how can we identify and find God, the creator and sustainer of the Universe? Last week we talked about this being one of the important questions that people are seldom willing to ask themselves....

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