
We have spent a considerable amount of time in discovery of how unlikely the things we see around us are the result of random unguided processes. Today I would like to look at possibly the most unlikely condition of any that have been mentioned in this blog.
The subject is sugar… more specifically the D- glucose sugar that is present in DNA and RNA. This is a bit technical, but the numbers are so unlikely to have happened by chance that it is amazing.
Both RNA and DNA require D-glucose molecules in order to be able to function properly. No D-glucose, no DNA/RNA, no life. Not only is this required, the way in which the molecules connect to each other is mission critical as well. There are 5 different reducing centers with 4 different steriogenic connection points. In addition, there is a closed and open loop to add further complication into any kind of random cause being possible. Also, there is no chemical preference or affinity for the correct linkage to occur. When you do the math, you end up with 32 differing possible outcomes, with only 1 being acceptable for DNA and RNA to exist.
So, the probability for all of the right connections is 1/32 or 3.125%. So, 97% of the time you don’t have the right sequence. And this sequence must be 100% correct for every DNA strand in every cell of every living thing!!!
When chemists are doing research to possibly discover the origins of life, they have to cap the ends of every possible link that is incorrect for every molecule. They also have to be concerned about any possible contaminants that further complicate the bonding processes. In another words, it is a nightmare to attempt to figure out. And this is being done by some of the smartest people on our planet. And you are going to try to say that some unguided random process is going to account for this level of complexity?
It is beyond impossible to believe that there is no design involved in such an exquisitely complex condition necessary for life to exist.
For further nerdy details of this, check out this video.
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