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Doubting your Doubts

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I would like to express opinion on the topic of skepticism. It seems that our society is steeped in the idea that you are a wise person if and only if you doubt everything that you hear or read. Not only should you be skeptical, but you should be sarcastic toward the other person’s opinion as well. Our media is ripe with some very wealthy people who have done nothing but...

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Truth Claims

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Our society holds as one of its core beliefs that there is no such thing as objective truth. Many people also hold tightly to the idea that there isn’t any grand overarching purpose and meaning of life. They believe, rather that life is merely a long string of vignettes that you perceive and align to your own individual perspective in order to create meaning. So, the id...

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How Relevant is the Gospel?

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My hope and prayer for all people is that we are awake to the Gospel of the good news about Jesus. Yes, we are secure in our salvation by faith in Christ alone. The question is not about whether or not we are saved, but the question to be answered is… Are we awake or lethargic or sleeping about the gospel?...

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In the movie titled The Water Boy, Adam Sandler is often quoted as saying “now that is some high quality H20.” Today I would like for us to consider H20. Let’s look this in the context of the field of Astronomy and see our consuming desire to try to find water on other planets....

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Challenging the Status Quo

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Recently I have been reading the book, The Gospel in a Pluralist Society By Lesslie Newbigin. The book is the second installment in a two-book series; the first book is titled Foolishness to the Greeks. The works were written in the late 1980’s I am amazed at how poignant his work is today. For today’s post, I would like to lay out some of the groundwork displayed in t...

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Can Faith and Reason Live Together?

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One of the important questions for people to ask is about faith and reason. Are they opposites? Does a person need to sacrifice one in order to believe the other? Is it possible to be a thinker and a Bible-believing Christian at the same time? There are some people who do not think this is possible....

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Could the Universe Create Itself?


What about Creation by chance? Today I would like to look at some of the history behind the naturalist viewpoint that the Universe and everything in it is the product of chance....

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What about the New Age Movement?

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Many are familiar with the New Age movement. The hallmark of their thinking is to search out the god that is within you. It’s there, you just have to find it. Explore the power that is at your disposal, tap into your own god consciousness....

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Made in the Image of God

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The debate goes like this. Is man made in the image of God? Or is God a manmade image after his likeness, made in order to console himself? The Christian will hold the first opinion, the Atheist will conform to the latter. There is a very distinct difference of perspective based on worldview....

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What if the New Testament was Taken Away from Us?

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Recently I watched a very interesting video featuring Dr. James Tour and J. Warner Wallace. These two men are among my favorite Christian Apologists. The topic of focus is based on the idea that there is so much historical evidence for Christianity integrated in differing societies through out the world, that even if we did not have access to the New Testament, we would st...

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