Christmas Season

christmas presents


Ok we are in the first week of December so the Christmas season is here. This is a great time of year to celebrate the birth of Jesus. However, it is also a time of building pressures. Finances, holiday schedules, and decorating are among the many priorities that come into play during this window of time.

It is interesting to me that there is such a build-up to the single day of Christmas. We scurry about to get prepared and when the day finally comes, it happens to fly by so quickly that it can seem to be anti-climactic. I think that a part of this issue is that we place so much emphasis on the physical aspect of the holiday and less and less on the spiritual aspects of what Christmas is really all about.

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Our culture has become so secular, that the joy of sharing the beauty of Christ’s birth gets drowned out amidst all of the other noise. This is what happens when you take Jesus out of the Christmas conversation.  If all you have for Christmas is Santa Clause and presents, there is bound to be an emotional letdown after it is over. My hope is that there will be a resurrection of Jesus talk this holiday season.  He is the meaning of Christmas. Jesus is the reason for the season.

To a broken and imperfect word, God sent his only Son to redeem that which was shattered and ruined. The power of forgiveness through the grace-filled passion of the messiah Jesus is the real deal. Christmas marks the beginning of that amazing story, Emmanuel, God with us!