
Tuesday “Financial Provision”

“Psalm 50:10, “For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills.”

Money is a big part of our lives.  God understood the influence of money, that it has the potential to bless or corrupt an individual.  There are hundreds of scriptures that guide and instruct us.  Thank you Lord for giving us direction on how we can be stewards of all that you provide for us.

Let us spend part of today trusting that God sees our needs and he will provide for our needs. 

Matthew 6:21                   Malachi 3:10                     Ecclesiastes 5:10                       

Romans 13:8                    Psalm 37:16-17                Hebrews 13:5

Matthew 19:21                 Matthew 6:24                   I Timothy 6:17-19

Mark 12:41-44                  I Samuel 2:7                    I Timothy 6:9-10

II Corinthians 9:6-7          Luke 12:15                       Philippians 4:19

It’s so important that as we trust God for our financial provision that we have looked at what the Bible says about money.  Let His word guide you and lead you to financial freedom.

Prayer Points:

  • Trusting in God’s provision
  • Provision for your family
  • Provision for our Church
  • Godly perspective regarding what we need
  • How can we be a blessing to others?
  • No Fear, taking steps towards financial freedom
  • Facing the challenges that keep us in debt
  • Stress related to financial bondage

May God richly bless you as you trust Him.

Lord hear our prayers!

River Center