It's Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature Part 2

broken plate

Strong & Courageous

Last week we looked into the definition of nature and found that there is a great gap in explanation both from a philosophical and a spiritual perspective. We also looked at the inconsistency of attempting to paint a personality profile of nature in order to sustain a particular worldview.

Now that we have analyzed a naturalistic mindset that may have originally appeared coherent to some, what sort of alternatives are we left with?

The answer lies in the acceptance of a Super Natural worldview. If the natural is inadequate to completely explain the cosmos, maybe, just maybe a spiritual perspective is needed to bring added clarity to the table.

The very word supernatural implies that something “super” has occurred that is outside of the ordinary laws of nature. This panoramic drawing is consistent with a Christian understanding of how the world works. If God is the originator of the laws of nature (which He is) then it is within the realm of possibility that He can override these laws if He is so inclined to do so.

Here we see aspects of causality at work. If a potter is making a clay pot and decides to create a vase instead of a bowl, he is at liberty to do so. If the creator of the universe chooses to make the laws of nature with certain exceptions of supernatural occurrences, is that so unreasonable?


C.S. Lewis expresses the following “Here at last we find (as we do not find in the nature only religion) a real illumination: Nature is being lit up by a light from beyond Nature. Someone is speaking who knows more about her than can be known from inside of her.”

So how is one to proceed after knowing this?

Lewis further explains “But if we admit God, must we admit Miracle? Indeed, indeed, you have no security against it. That is the bargain. Theology says to you in effect, “Admit God and with Him the risk of a few miracles, and I in return will ratify your faith in uniformity as regards the overwhelming majority of events. The philosophy which forbids you to make uniformity absolute is also the philosophy which offers you solid grounds for believing it to be general, to be almost absolute. The being who threatens Nature’s claim to omnipotence confirms her in her lawful occasions. The alternative is really much worse. Try to make Nature absolute and you find that her uniformity is not even probable. By claiming too much, you get nothing."

In contrast, Lewis states "Theology offers a working arrangement, which leaves the scientist free to continue his experiments and the Christian to continue his prayers.” There is no need to pit one against the other. Good science and good theology are not mutually excusive.


Dr. Ken Boa: Does God Exist? (4 min)

Dr. Hugh Ross: The Book of Nature. (2 min.)